Open and edit photos in Elements to create new 'edited' versions.
Organize your photo files in folders by 'yourself' using OS File Browser (or Adobe Bridge!) With Photoshop Elements your workflow would be.
" adobe photoshop premiere elements 2021." I presume you mean Photoshop Elements (and not the Premiere Video editor). You have jumped into the middle of a very old forum thread, but I will attempt to clear up some of your questions. I don't currently shoot raw because my old computer is too slow and the disk is too full. If I get any of the above I will have to get a new computer since my old computer is too slow and the disk is too full.
I'm trying to figure out if I should get photoshop elements, lightroom or the full photoshop.
There are certain features I've read about being in Photoshop that are not in the editor I'm currently using (gimp for editing and the picasa download for organizing):ġ) Smart sharpening My understanding is this is a newer and better algorithm than unsharp mask.Ģ) The layer blending modes: "darker color" and "lighter color:ģ) Adjustment layers - where you can change the parameters of an existing layer without having to undo and go back to when you added the layer.Ĥ) Noise reduction with separate controls for luminance and color "If you can tell us more about what you are looing for exactly, it would be easier to help."